University of the Sunshine Coast Athletics Club (USCAC) is a Queensland Athletics (QA) affiliated club.

By joining USCAC you MUST also join QA-BASE membership.


We as a committee have made a decision that our local summer season meets will cater for athletes 10 and over and we DO NOT recommend athletes ages 6 – 9 join for the summer athletics season.


In USCAC’s opinion – Little Athletics is the ONLY venue that will nurture & develop the athletics skills required for children of this age. This supported by the following links from our governing body Australian Athletics:

The FIT Model Overview of Stages of Development

The following descriptions have been developed to ensure a clear understanding of the objectives and focus of the guiding principles for each stage of a young athlete’s development.
The athlete development pathway (FIT Model) aligns with evidenced based programs and models used in other nations (UK and Northern Island, Canada, North America, New Zealand) with a similar sporting structure and culture to Australian athletics. In addition, the FIT Model reflects Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Framework and specifically, its approach to holistic development across the four domains of physical literacy (physical, psychological, social and cognitive) as the core driver of lifelong participation in sport and physical activity. The Overview of Stages of Development should be read in conjunction with the Training and Competition Guidelines for Children and AdolescentsThe FIT Model is made up of the following stages of development:
Fundamentals 1 Approximately 4 – 7 years
The focus of Fundamentals 1 is on introducing, learning and developing key fundamental movement skills (balance, agility, locomotion and hand-eye coordination) which provide the foundation for more complex skills in athletics as well as in play and other sporting and recreational activities. The emphasis is on fun and play with group activities providing opportunities for social interaction, inclusiveness and demonstrating cooperative behaviour (e.g. sharing, patience). At the younger ages there should be minimal focus on formal athletics training and competition, however “team event” contests may be introduced towards the end of this stage.
Fundamentals 2 Approximately 8 – 10 years
Entry into this stage is from approximately 7 – 8 years of age. Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are further developed and refined through the introduction of specific athletics skills and activities (running, jumping, and throwing), delivered in athletic event group areas (e.g. understanding the need to pace in longer events or coordinating a movement sequence for a throw/jump). More structured training and technical development may be introduced towards the end of this stage when children become more responsive to constructive and positive feedback. However, children should be encouraged to participate in a range of other sports (team/individual) which helps foster both competence and confidence through exposure to other coaches, peers and sporting experiences, thus enhancing all round athleticism and holistic development.This is also a good stage to incorporate social opportunities and begin developing some healthy attitudes and practices in relation to daily physical activity. At this stage children enjoy working in pairs, small groups and teams and begin to understand simple rules, sporting safety and etiquette (e.g. fair play and respect for other athletes, coaches, and officials). Therefore, fun, variety and the opportunity to learn, balanced with occasional but age and developmentally appropriate competition opportunities, are important factors at this stage of development. More formal and regular competition can be introduced at this stage but competitions should be modified, low key, and seasonal (e.g. 4 – 10 weeks duration), with an emphasis on “team event” contests rather than individual achievement.

In considering the recommended ages below, please note the following:
These recommended ages are intended to provide general guidance only. Any competition rules pertaining to a particular event distance determined by World Athletics, Athletics Australia or associated governing body takes precedence over these guidelines.
Given the significant variation in physical and mental development amongst children and young adults of the same chronological age, the listed minimum ages may or may not be appropriate for every individual child/ adolescent.
Just because a child or adolescent is capable of completing a particular distance doesn’t necessarily mean they should participate or compete over that distance at a given age. We encourage coaches and parents to exercise caution, particularly over longer distances for growing bodies in the interests of a child’s longer term health, wellbeing, and development.
Participation in the event distances below for children/adolescents could involve fun runs or parkrun events. Athletics Australia’s recommendation is that specific training on a regular basis for longer road runs should be delayed until 15 – 16 years for 5km, 17 -18 years for 10km and 18+ for distances beyond 10km.on “team event” contests rather than individual achievement.



  • *NOTE: Queensland Athletics promote their Brisbane shield meets as open for athletes in the 6 – 9 age group, with the following guidelines.
  • Minimum ages apply to the athlete eligible events – 6; 7; 8 years: 100m, 200m, 800m. (Age is taken as at 31 December in the year the competition is conducted.)
  • ALL athletes MUST be a member of QA or an affiliated club, like USCAC to compete.
  • If the athlete also plans to compete in USCAC winter cross-country series & if turning 8, the USCAC Winter Track & Field Carnival, we would recommend the athlete join USCAC annual BASE membership – JOIN HERE
  • If you wish your 6 – 9 years athlete compete in QA shield meets in Brisbane, nominate through the – QA Calendar – select event
  • PLEASE CONTACT QA – if you have any questions PH. 07 2111 5135


USCAC winter season MEMBERSHIp (7 – 9 years)


OPENS Mid-March to September 30 in the SAME year

USCAC run a 5 meet Sunday morning Sunshine Coast Winter Cross Country Series from Late March/early April to June.

The meet dates and distances are chosen to line up with school and district & regional XC events.

Series medals are awarded and we even have a FREE fun run for ages 2/3 to 6.

In July, the last weekend of the school holidays, we hold a Winter Track & Field Carnival.

This carnival has numerous events for children from 7 years old. Medals and placing getting medals are awarded.



USCAC Membership includes:


USCAC run events throughout the year.

ALL upcoming events will be promoted via member email; USCAC website & follow us on facebook


  • Local Tuesday night mini meets – Aug to Sept

  • Sunshine Coast Winter Cross Country Series – April to June

  • USCAC Winter Track & Field Carnival – July

  • TEAM USCAC – QA State Cross Country Relay Championships



  • Free access to UNiSc track

  • Accredited coaches across athletics event – not all coaches will train 7-9 years, contact them individually for advise

  • Fee DISCOUNTS for USCAC run events!



  • Ability to compete in Brisbane Cross Country events
  • QA State Cross Country Championships
  • QA, ANQ & interstate events held from mid-march to Sept 30 (excluding AA Nationals)





